Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Parking lot progression

As expected, the parking lot now has fencing through the midsection as construction crews proceed with the upgrades custom designed for both functionality and beauty.

Preparations for the sidewalk concrete pour

Red tubing is the radiant heating system that will prevent ice
Concrete sidewalk curing

As the parking lot renovations have progressed many have asked what the final project will look like.  Below is the architectural drawing of the project along with a preliminary artistic rendering (modifications have been made since the rendering was developed, so the final project will be a bit different).
As you can see, the final product will be beautiful while adding pedestrian safety to the parking lot.
Expect the fencing to be removed from the majority of the parking lot within the next week or so.  And keep your eyes peeled for the improvements taking place in front of the building.  Visible changes will continue for the next month.

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